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"JGallery" where I talk about my artwork and show my pre-painting sketches and drawings and crap like that

Saturday, September 17, 2011

blah blah blah

The first two weeks of school have past. I would say they went pretty well. The university is a lot different than the college that I went to, in the means that its a lot smaller and navigating it is a real bitch, theres so many turns and stairs that your legs burn by the time you actually get to class. I normally plan to get there about an hour or so early so im not all sweaty and gross. plus I can just sit and read and hang out. Even though I have one studio class, it seems to be taking up most of my time, Im going to need to work on my time management when I have a drawing and a painting class too. So far things are going well in my painting class and I seem to be one of the few that actually knows what there doing.. some of the people in my painting class have never really held a paint brush before, so all this is very new to them.

My apartment is very quiet. Its nice to actually live on my own. but I find it hard to get shit done at my place, since chores are starting to grow from just doing laundry to having to clean my whole apartment and get groceries.

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